
Here you will find some of our results, some of the better deals going on, previews of weekly specials with link to the entire list. You will also be able to download my Receipt Log spreadsheet to help you track your spending and savings.

Our Current Budget Results for 2012 - 7/31/12

Weekly Spending Before Couponing - $175.00
Weekly Spending Average Now ----- $59.18
Weekly Budget Savings (in pocket) - $115.82
Months Using Couponing This Year -7
Monthly Average Budget Savings -- $503.30
Total Budget Savings (in pocket) --- $3,524.10

Publix vs. Walmart

One argument I hear a lot is that it is just easier and cheaper to go to Walmart and use their price matching.  However they don't price match BOGO deals, and they don't double coupons.  So I put together these lists from two of our actual shopping trips.  You can see even without using any coupons it is possible to save a lot by shopping at Publix lowest prices.

This trip buying only the items (and substitutes) at both stores is almost $30 cheaper at the grocery store before using any coupons.  If you add the Organic Juice to the grocery store and use coupons at both it is still about $35 cheaper at the grocery store even with the over $8 in items not at the supercenter.  The store coupons were $10 for ThermaCare  and $5.90 in double coupons.  See this trip at Publix 9/12 picture. The price difference from $64.88 to $73.94 is $9.06 in tax.

You can see from this trip that Walmart would cost almost $25 more before coupons for the items that are at both stores (including the substitutes).  If you bought all of the items at Publix it is only about $0.50 more then buying only the available items at Walmart after coupons.  With double coupons you will get bigger savings at Publix that way too (the $9.50 is from double coupons).