From the groupon:
Do what you were born to do with today's deal: for $75, you get an introductory discovery flight package from Pilot Journey, which includes one actual flying lesson, pre-flight ground-work, take-home instructional materials, and more (a $149.95 value). Click here for participating flight schools. Participating schools are marked with the Discovery Flight logo.
Pilot Journey connects FAA-certified flight instructors with hopeful pupils. The comprehensive introductory discovery flight package helps fledgling flyers get their footing in the great blue yonder, bypassing the perils of ignorance and the feral pigeons that populate the stratosphere. Included in the package is "Reach for the Sky," a CD written by Pilot Journey pilots that contains several computer-based seminars and two computer-based ground lessons, helping students get acquainted with aircraft procedures from the familiar comforts of earth. Two electronic flying handbooks reinforce this knowledge.
Once you've completed Pilot Journey's suggested preflying curriculum, you'll get to put your knowledge to the test during a 30–40 minute assisted-control flying lesson with an experienced instructor. After your exhilarating zigzag through the clouds, you'll return to the realities of earth, but quickly get lifted from the humdrums with a six-month subscription to a leading flight magazine and a certificate of accomplishment. See a full list of the discovery flight package's contents here.
Pilot Journey is a nucleus for top-notch aviation instruction nationwide that functions by connecting aspiring pilots to the best flight schools in their area. When you purchase a discovery flight package through Pilot Journey, you receive a certificate that can be cashed in at any of the Pilot Journey's affiliated (and participating) locations, making it a convenient gift for far-flung friends as well as beloved-but-meddling family members you'd like to fling a bit farther.
The Fine Print
- Expires Jun 13, 2012
- Limit 1 per person, may buy multiple as gifts. Limit 1 per visit. Must be 18 or older or have guardian consent. 265lb weight max. Valid ID required. Must sign waiver. Age subject to instructor approval. Extra fee for shipping
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