
Here you will find some of our results, some of the better deals going on, previews of weekly specials with link to the entire list. You will also be able to download my Receipt Log spreadsheet to help you track your spending and savings.

Our Current Budget Results for 2012 - 7/31/12

Weekly Spending Before Couponing - $175.00
Weekly Spending Average Now ----- $59.18
Weekly Budget Savings (in pocket) - $115.82
Months Using Couponing This Year -7
Monthly Average Budget Savings -- $503.30
Total Budget Savings (in pocket) --- $3,524.10

Organizing Your Coupons

There are many ways to organize your coupons, the key is to find a way that works best for you.  This is how we do it.  We got a 19 space expandable folder from Target for $9.64.  We had another one before but found while using it that we needed 2 features that this one has, a handle to carry it and it needs to latch closed.

What we do is take all of the inserts from the Sunday paper from one week and put it in the first slot.  Then the inserts from the next week in the next slot and continue for 12 weeks.  At that time we have 3 months worth of inserts sorted and when SouthernSavers says we need a coupon from a certain weeks insert we can find it easily and cut the coupon we need.  When we get the 13th week of inserts we pull out what is left from week 1 cut the remaining couple coupons that haven't expired yet, if there are any, and replace it with the week 13 inserts, and then continue with week 14 in week 2 and so on.  This works on 2 levels, first it gives us an easy way to organize and know where the coupons we want are.  Second it makes it easier to clear out coupons that have expired.

For the rest of the slots we put coupon flyers from each store in its on slot.  We also put our printed coupons in a slot until we need to cut them to use.